Why Single Rulebook?

There are so many rules, Q&As and guidance, even regulatory experts find it hard to keep up. Single Rulebook helps solve many of these challenges:

  • “Did ESMA publish a Q&A on this topic?”
  • “Is everyone using the latest version of this text?”
  • “Is there another relevant delegated regulation?”
  • “How is regulation treated under Brexit?”
  • “I’m sure I read something on this but I can’t find it”

Regulation changes all the time and so does your business, controls often get out of synch with regulation:

  • “Is this compliance policy still in line the latest regulatory guidance?”
  • “Regulatory requirements influence every area of my work but I have no idea what the regulation actually says”
  • “I can’t resource plan these changes until all stakeholders complete their input”
  • “We have no visibility over how the software fulfils regulatory requirements”

Regulatory knowledge and expert resource is precious but is often not treated as such:

  • “I didn’t know a colleague already answered this question”
  • “The person who wrote this opinion has left and I can’t clarify”
  • “What happened to the expert counsel opinion we obtained?”

Use Cases

Below are just a few of the use cases Single Rulebook can help your business tackle.

Regulatory Intelligence & Research

Collaboration on Regulatory Rules

Regulatory Compliance Audit

Exchange Rulebooks

With a powerful search functionality, interactive rule maps, and the ability to trace back to previous versions of regulatory text, Single Rulebook saves time, creates insights and provides confidence.